Signed in as:
Consists of three or more members appointed by the president on a rotating basis for a maximum term of three consecutive years. Each year the new member is to be appointed in November. An active Scholarship Committee member may not concurrently serve on the Charitable Donations Committee. Duties: Application distribution, review of completed applications, and winner selection. The Club provides six scholarships each year to to residents of Louisa, Orange and Spotsylvania Counties. Our Scholarship page provides details on each scholarship.
Building Committee (Joint Committee with the Belmont Ruritan Club)
Consists of ten members: President of the Belmont Ruritan Club, President of The Belmont Club of Women, Treasurer of the Belmont Ruritan Club, Treasurer of The Belmont Club of Women, two appointed members from each club who serve as Building Managers and one member-at-large appointed from each club.
The Building Manager serves as the Building Fund Treasurer. Duties: Interior and exterior upkeep and maintenance of the building, replenishing of supplies, building rental, and payment of regularly occurring bills.
Expenditures: Any proposed alteration to the club property shall be presented to both clubs for rule. The Building Committee shall maintain a fund separate from either club treasury. Monies collected for building use shall be placed in the Building Fund. Monies shall be allocated on an equal basis from both club treasuries to the Building Fund as needed, subject to approval of the club memberships.
Meetings: Shall be held at least twice annually and/or as needed.
Reports shall be made on call of the President.
Consists of a minimum of three members, representing each of the counties of Louisa, Orange and Spotsylvania. Volunteer members will
be appointed by the President of The Belmont Club of Women. An active Charitable Donations Committee member may not concurrently serve on the Scholarship
Committee. Duties: Annual collection of qualified applicants requesting funding from The Belmont Club of Women. Only non-profit organizations that are fully established will be considered. Selection of applicants to receive funding is to be voted upon by full membership.
Consists of three members appointed by the President for a term of one year. Duties: Update and publish the club directory to include a list of officers,
membership, program calendar, and hostess assignments*.
*Five hostesses (including chair) monthly to prepare and serve simple refreshments at club meetings.
*Ten hostesses (including chair) per occasion to prepare and serve Belmont Ruritan Club dinners for which The Belmont Club of Women
takes responsibility.
Consists of at least two members appointed by the president to assist an appointed historian. Term is for one year.
Duties: Maintain and update the Club Scrapbook through photography, news articles, trip folders, and other collected material so as to provide
an ongoing record of club activities.
Consists of five members (including chair) appointed for a term of one year by the President, such committee to be announced at the April meeting. Duties: Draw up a slate of Executive Officer nominations to be presented to the general membership prior to the October meeting. Fill any
vacancies that occur during their year of service.
Consists of at least five members (in addition to the Vice President) appointed by the President for a Duties: Determine programs for the year and implements them.
Sunshine Committee (Joint with the Belmont Ruritan Club)
Consists of a changing number of people. Chairman keeps numbers at appropriate levels through volunteer recruitment as needed. This group
gives support and assistance to members of both clubs during periods of bereavement or other crisis.